** charts before earnings **
** charts after earnings **
SAP SE beats by 0.40, misses on revs; lowers FY20 outlook
- Co sees 8.1 -- 8.5 billion operating profit compared to previously guidance of 8.1 -- 8.7 billion
- The most recent currency exchange rates (October 2020) which translates to a negative 3 to 4 percent effect on revenue and operating profit since April 2019.
- The COVID-19 pandemic which is expected to impact the demand environment, particularly in hard hit industries, through at least the first half of 2021 pushing out the achievement of key metrics such as non-IFRS cloud revenue, total revenue, and operating profit, by 1 to 2 years.
- The acceleration of customers' move to the cloud and subsequent business transformations which drive the new ambition's cloud revenue target of more than 22 billion by 2025. SAP expects this to negatively impact the 2023 operating margin by approximately 4 to 5 percentage points relative to the previous mid-term ambition.
- The accelerated harmonization of SAP cloud delivery which is expected to require an incremental investment in 2021 and 2022 and to drive the non-IFRS cloud gross margin to approximately 80% by 2025.
- More than 22 billion non-IFRS cloud revenue
- More than 36 billion non-IFRS total revenue
- More than 11.5 billion non-IFRS operating profit
- A significant expansion of the Company's more predictable revenue share to approximately 85%